The Good, The Bad, And The Sexy
Hi! I'm Elizabeth Angelica and this is where I’m going to be spilling all my tea about the intimate aspects of my journey of healing love addiction, codependency and scarcity. And how I’m manifesting new romantic partnership, and creating sovereign abundance in my purpose and passion.
All through the wild and wonderful lens of conscious transformation, energy medicine, non dual spiritual magick. And... my orgasmic alchemy practices.
The show is full of connection, teachings and transmissions so that we can evolve together.
I would love to have you join me on this orgasmic alchemical journey!
You can get your free guide, an Orgasmic Alchemy Self Pleasure follow along audio >>> https://www.ElizabethAngelica.com/28doa
Find out more about working with me here >>> https://www.ElizabethAngelica.com
The Good, The Bad, And The Sexy
Beyond Love Addiction: Embracing Self
Have you ever felt trapped in the cycle of love addiction or found yourself stuck in codependent patterns? Join me, Elizabeth Angelica, as I share my raw and personal journey of breaking free from these chains and stepping into a new realm of self-love and abundance. In this episode of "The Good, the Bad, and the Sexy," I reveal how I've turned the tides in my romantic life and embraced the magic of conscious transformation and orgasmic alchemy. With a blend of energy medicine and spiritual practices, I uncover the profound realization that self-love is not just a luxury but a necessity.
As I navigate the ups and downs of recording my thoughts and experiences, I touch on the universal struggle of self-judgment and the courage it takes to face discomfort head-on. Discover the power of setting intentions and how allowing yourself to feel pleasure can be a transformative healing process. Through my daily commitment to self-exploration, I aim to inspire you to embark on your own path of emotional release and personal growth. Whether you're seeking a new partner or deepening your connection with yourself, this episode is an invitation to embrace the messiness and beauty of your journey.
Get your FREE Orgasmic Alchemy Audio Guide: http://www.elizabethangelica.com/28doa
Find out more and work with me: www.ElizabethAngelica.com
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Message Me On Instagram @ElizabethTheAngelica_
Hi, this is Elizabeth Angelica, and you're listening to the good, the bad and the sexy where I'm going to be spilling all the intimate aspects on my journey of healing love, addiction, codependency and scarcity, and how I'm manifesting new romantic partnership and creating sovereign abundance, all this through the wild and wonderful lens of conscious transformation, energy, medicine, non-dual spiritual magic and my orgasmic alchemy practices. All right, here we go. Hello, lovey. Okay, so it is way easier to get on camera, but if you forget to turn on the microphone then it's all waste. But here I am with the microphone on and on a whole, taking 99 less time to press record than I did yesterday. So cheers to that, because there's no way that was sustainable. And as I sit here and talk to myself, talk to you on this camera, it becomes obvious why people do audio only podcasts, so they don't have to sit there and look at their sideways asymmetrical faces and judge themselves terribly. So I might want to go get myself some cranial sacral appointments so that I don't judge my face and, you know, I might just feel better on the whole. So maybe that's why I'm noticing. Ah, okay, so it was much easier to get myself on camera and a little less easy to get myself into bed.
Speaker 1:And so I go upstairs and I'm like, yeah, I don't really feel like doing this, which makes me think that, you know, in any relationship there's gonna be days where you're excited to be together, you're excited to make love, but on the whole, my thought was, oh, and days that you're not. But what my thought was that, should I be in a relationship, I would love for my partner to be excited to make love to me, and in my relationship with myself, I would also love myself to be excited to make love to me and allowing for there to be resistance and leaning into that resistance, which meant, in this case, I get into the practice. It's feeling very pleasurable, and I noticed that I did not want to be feeling that pleasure. It felt not allowed and like this horrible tension in my stomach like shouldn't be feeling this, this is bad, this is wrong. And all I wanted to do was like grab my vibrator and just make the process go really fast, come really fast, and be like, okay, checking it off my list, I'm done. But that resistance. When I let myself soften into the resistance and soften into the pleasure, I was like, okay, I'm gonna, I'm not gonna stop. I'm not going to rush through this because, for one thing, I'll have nothing to talk about when I start recording and another, what good will it do me? Yeah, I'll have that like peak burst experience and I'll, you know, I'll have a rush of hormones and I'll be chill for a second. But the intention and since I have the time is to let it be a healing process.
Speaker 1:And when I started today's practice, my intention was that I alchemize and or release whatever, as much as I could of whatever I could that would support me in creating my greatest success and prosperity in my life in this podcast, situation, experiment, career, what, what shall we call it? And so I wasn't specific about it. I was like, let's leave it open-ended. Whatever is the greatest healing that I can have today, with the support of my soul and my guides and my angels, in this practice, this pleasure medicine? So I knew stuff's coming up, so I'm breathing into it and I'm holding space for me to be in this pleasurable discomfort, and then some waves of grief arrive, arise from underneath the resistance, from underneath the pleasure, and some feelings of. It wasn't super intense, but it was a bit rageful, there was some anger, so there was a lot that my system was trying to protect me from feeling by being in that resistance of doing the practice, of feeling like I shouldn't be feeling this pleasure. Let's just do what we can do so we can check today off, and through that I felt like, oh my God, I'm so grateful to myself for committing to this practice, to do this every day, because you know, I would so much rather be making love to a partner, but he's not here and I do not do well without sex. There's no partner, I'm not having sex, so it has to be me.
Speaker 1:If I, without this connection, without the show, without you here with me, I wouldn't be doing that, and so I hope certainly that it supports you in your giving yourself the self-care and the self-love and the self-pleasure and the healing alchemization space for meditation, space for taking a bath, whatever it is for you that you need right now, that you can use this commitment energy with me and magnify it for us all so we can really lock in to what we need to do for ourselves and do it easily. Oh, and I was thinking while I was doing it, what am I going to talk about? I'm trying to. Oh, and I was thinking while I was doing it, what am I going to talk about? I'm trying to. I found myself trying to script the show, which, you know. I would like some bullet points, obviously keep coming back to presence. And well, one little thing I I was thinking of how I was going to you know what I was going to say, and it all had a much better flow than I feel like I'm in right now.
Speaker 1:When I was doing it in my head, the last person that I slept with, we went out on a second date and I knew anyone the first date there was. No, he was not the person for me. And so, uh-huh, I go on the second day, really, just because I wanted to go to the movies and he invited me to go the movies and I hadn't been in a really long time, and we kissed on the first date and he was, you know, he's like six five and he was a broad fellow and I felt safe in his embrace and that's more why I went on a second date, because I was having all these fantasies of going to bed with him. And so, after the second date, we're making out in his truck it's Texas, everybody has a truck, and and he asked me what I was thinking and I was like, okay, I'm going to go ahead and say what I'm actually thinking. And I told him that there is no romantic future for us. And I've been wondering if you tell a guy that you know a guy who seems to be truly desiring a new partnership. So if I tell a guy that we have no romantic future, will he still want to have sex with me and is that even a good idea? And the response was that's a lot to process and I guess maybe it is. I know that men take like two weeks to think over something. It will take us two minutes. So I never we never discussed it, but I did go home with him at a perfectly lovely time. I I have to say I do so enjoy being with men who've been married and have practiced as a Tantra teacher. I don't want to teach you Tantra.
Speaker 1:So, yeah, that was my last experience. Oh, I had. I had another date because I cancelled my hinge account and then someone. I got a message from someone the next day and I was like, well, if I'm getting messages after I close my account, I should probably definitely speak to this person, not a match, and I haven't opened it back up again and I love the phrase meeting someone in the wild and there is the feeling of following the passion in your life and all is conspiring and everything's in perfect divine timing. And I had a coach many years ago. She told me that you cannot miss your soulmate for trying. You could not miss your soulmate if you tried, which made me feel so much better. And then I met a fantastic soulmate and spent some incredibly challenging years together, as someone who wants to make as much progress as she can and to make that progress through romantic relationship will certainly come to contact with.
Speaker 1:So I think, also setting the intention today for it to be what it needed to be the practice. And yesterday was felt like a very different flavor of big pleasure and expansive joy in this way that I desired. I actually had an experience with the energy of money and I thought, as I was thinking of, what am I going to call this show? Fucking money was way up on the list, so that's what I was thinking of. What am I going to call this show? Fucking money was way up on the list, so that's what I was doing. The energy of money came into my experience and I was fucking money and it was fantastic and I feel right like I'm doing this other group where we are calibrating our nervous systems to a specific amount of money, weekly, monthly, yearly.
Speaker 1:So I was calling in the energy of that amount of money and intending to heal the pieces of me that feel unwanted and like what I have to offer the world is unwanted. So if I can't give you what I have because you don't want it, I certainly can't receive anything in return. And I hear myself say so so many times. I'm trying to be aware of what I'm saying because in this group that I'm in, where we're calibrating our nervous systems to a specific amount of money, I think the woman is a fantastic teacher, but in her recordings she's you know, we get a daily recording in the small group she says right, right, like 50 times in 10-15 minutes and that starts to be all I can hear. Right, drives me mad. So I don't want to elicit the same sort of judgment I'm holding in that experience and just to be, you know, good at it, I went off on that tangent and forgot what I was talking about. Oh, oh, uh, isn't better than so in the experience.
Speaker 1:I'm calling in that specific amount of money that I desire to calibrate to, so that I continue calibrating to more and more and more as time goes on. So I'm calling in that amount of money and I can feel it coming into my cells, into the marrow of my bones, into my blood and my muscles and my fascia and my organs and my skin and the energy all around me and letting this energy be like a lover, having that passion and connection and intimacy and playfulness. And that is what I intend so much to do with. This practice is bringing more and more and more financial abundance and just abundance in general into my life, and it can be in general. I'm open to the magic.
Speaker 1:A teacher in another class I'm in says she's done so much personal work that when she desires something, it shows up in her life in a day or two and that she'll think of something and it will arrive on her doorstep, without her ordering it, within like two weeks. So I was fully. I was fully expecting a MacBook Pro to arrive on my doorstep several weeks ago. Seems like I might have a scotch more work to do and that's okay. I'm willing to do it, willing to feel all those feelings and luckily I get to blend them with pleasure. I think that's all I have for today. Certainly, I will stop this recording and think of more things I wanted to say, but I'll be back tomorrow and if you have something you would like to share about your own personal practice, or questions that I can perhaps answer, talk about please. Please, do send me a message. You can go on my website and find all kinds of ways to connect with me or leave a message here, depending on where you are listening or watching. All right, sending you so much love.
Speaker 1:Thanks for listening to this episode of the good, the bad and the sexy. I hope that it served you in some way and if it did, please reach out to me on Instagram at the good, the bad and the sexy and tell me about it. Also, is there someone in your life who needs to get in on this conversation? I would love it if you would share the show with them. It's so much more fun to talk through these things together. Remember to get your free follow along. Orgasmic alchemy self-pleasure audio guide in the show notes below. I look forward to connecting with you again next time. Ciao, for now, you.