The Good, The Bad, And The Sexy

Embracing Chaos: A Journey of Self-Discovery and Manifestation Through Nature's Lessons and Cosmic Shifts

Elizabeth Angelica Season 2 Episode 4

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What if the universe is trying to tell you something through hornets, spiders, and fire ants? Join me, Elizabeth Angelica, as I uncover the lessons hidden in the chaos of nature and cosmic shifts. This episode, we wade through the transformative power of energy medicine and the spiritual magic that comes alive when we embrace the chaos of love, addiction, and scarcity. Fresh off the heels of a life-altering new moon in Aries, I share how these intense celestial energies knocked me out and forced me to confront my own boundaries and self-worth. 

Living in an Airstream, I discovered that my encounters with nature were more than just pest control issues; they were metaphors for self-discovery and transformation. From rats to resilient fire ants that invaded my personal space, these experiences challenged what I was willing to tolerate and pushed me towards a deeper manifestation of abundance and joy. Through conscious transformation tools like NLP and intentional manifestations, I moved beyond these unsettling circumstances, asking a powerful question every step of the way: How does it get better than this? Tune in for a captivating journey of resilience and learn how to manifest a life of beauty and prosperity.

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Speaker 1:

Hi, this is Elizabeth Angelica, and you're listening to the good, the bad and the sexy where I'm going to be spilling all the intimate aspects on my journey of healing love, addiction, codependency and scarcity, and how I'm manifesting new romantic partnership and creating sovereign abundance All this through the wild and wonderful lens of conscious transformation, energy medicine. Through the wild and wonderful lens of conscious transformation, energy medicine, non-dual spiritual magic and my orgasmic alchemy practices. Alright, here we go. Hello, lovey, so it has been a few days since I last recorded. The intention was to do five days a week, monday through Friday, but I just did not at all have the capacity for that. I'm going to say it was the new moon in Aries that we just had. It was a super full moon and I watched some videos of people saying that if you are something like 24 degrees of a cardinal sign, then it's going to be very intense for you and the ways that it's shifting your life will be very intense. And it was a full moon in Aries. In Western astrology I am the first day of Aries, so I'm thinking that's what really wiped me out for three days and cheers to that. If it is shifting my life in a way that is going to be more beautiful and more prosperous, then I will take it. And I was doing extra NLP processes to change my neurology. All of these things together knocked me out and I had ants in my bed. Something was happening.

Speaker 1:

I was living in an airstream before I moved here and it was something I had been manifesting for a little while. I was living somewhere I did not enjoy at all and I was like I can move into an airstream, and so I'm looking at these pictures of of people who live in airstreams and in school buses and in what have you tiny portable domiciles on Pinterest, so much that I created it. But the first day I woke up in that space, I had four hornets a circling right above me, and airstreams are not tall. I'm not a tall person. I could probably put my hands up a couple of inches above my head before I touch the ceiling. I spent the rest of the day not in the airstream, hoping the hornets would go away, and then I had rats, and then I had a massive. It wasn't a wolf spider. I thought it was a wolf spider, but it was one of those ones that build the web that looks like a funnel. I can't think of what it's called right now, but I had one of those and I am very scared of spiders, so I was just always had my eye on it. I was like I'm watching you spider it. I was like I'm watching you spider. So then, yes, there's more.

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Then I had an infestation of fire ants and they were in my bed. There is nothing that you can do to get rid of fire ants. They of fire ants. They don't care about ant poison, they don't care about diatomaceous earth. I I was like I feel like I am snow white and some alternate reality where I sing and all the scary creatures and the creatures. Until the ants were tolerable. Right, I got some ant traps. I did eventually rehome the spider.

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I think the hornets chilled out after summer and I'm just thinking of what does one tolerate based on self-worth? I guess that's where I was. But when the fire ants came and bit me on the eyelid and I, oh, oh, that's uncomfortable. It actually happened twice before I was able to find a new place to live. For a little while I went to stay at a friend's house but I, like the fire ants were kicking me out of the airstream. There was no way that I could stay there any longer. And I did have I don't know, at least 20 post-it notes up around the space that said how does it get better than this? And so every time I saw it, either out loud or just in my head how does it get better than this? How does it get better than this?

Speaker 1:

But now this week I had ants in my bed upstairs, where I have, literally in over a year, never eaten a thing. I've never taken food up to the loft, I've never taken food up to the loft. So what were they there for? And these ones weren't fire ants. Their bites were not as bad, but they did bite. And I woke up with a bite on my lip which, if it had gone right in the middle and puffed up my whole bottom lip, would have been cool, but it was just one side, so it was like I had filler on one side. That hurt a lot. So my head's.

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Am I being kicked out of this space by the ants again? Is it time for me to start looking for a new place to go, which did not give me good feelings, and as I reflect on that now you know what to do from your feelings and I don't feel like that was it, but I was like, if the ants are not kicking me out of here, what are they trying to say? Because I believe that if I know what the message is, these answer coming with a message. Their spirit is using ants to tell me something. If I can figure out what that is, tell me something. If I can figure out what that is, then the ants will be like yep, she got it and we're out of here.

Speaker 1:

What I found on? What's your sign? Calm, and I'm going with this one the the woman who has that blog says never underestimate your power, no matter how small or ineffectual you may feel. Let the aunt remind you that if they can build empires overnight, you have the capacity to produce amazing results and be an incredible influence. That feels way better than I have to run away from my home, and something that I guess I really did need to hear, as I have spent the last few days intensely judging myself for what I said or didn't say, or how I said what I said on the last two recordings. I didn't go back and listen to the last two recordings and then judge myself. I was just sure that I did a terrible job and that you would never listen to me again, and so that was wildly uncomfortable.

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And then last night I went back to the first I guess what I'm going to call the first season, when this was just a YouTube vlog and I did 28 days in a row and I had thought in those 28 days I had healed all of this, because it was a quite an intense process where I was like I can say anything on the internet now and I think that I can Maybe we'll see. But yet it wasn't that I'm oversharing and being too vulnerable or whatever. It was more a vulnerable or whatever it was more a more I'm not interesting or I wasn't eloquent enough sort of sensation. That was another part of why I didn't record for a couple of days. So, anyway, I was going back to season one because I'm going to post those as podcast episodes before I start uploading this one and I was adding music as an intro and an outro.

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I recorded and I listened to little bits of it because I was editing like sound and things like this, and I enjoyed it and it brought me a lot of energy and I recognized that I like what I'm saying and if people don't like it, they won't listen. There's going to be, there's going to be someone. You're here and I really liked that it was a daily episode. Now is that sustainable, I don't know. I still don't know what I'm doing with this. Am I going to record a week's worth and put it up once a week? Am I going to drop one every single day? I really do like that idea to be flowing with this, this daily sort of energy, and really staying in contact with it. So we, we'll see. Like I said, it's an evolution.

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And so what did come up in my practice over the last few days? I found I would be driving home, actually, maybe every time I was driving home from somewhere. The last few like I love this energy, excited to go home, to be with myself, to be intimate with myself. That felt like a fantastic shift. And then one of those days I got home and I found myself putting it off. I'm like, oh, I'll just do this thing on my phone.

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And then by the time I went upstairs, the lustiness had gone and so I'm I'm trying to get myself into doing this, and I was was like what was going on in the car on the way home. I want to feel back into that and I remembered I was listening to someone. His name is Dan Whitlam and he's a poet rapper from London, and I was driving home listening to him and I was like, ooh, I want to fuck his voice, which I'm not sure is something I've ever thought before. There are some artists whose voice, you know, does that thing to your body. But I was like I want to fuck his voice. Who is this person? And I went back on Spotify, I went through my listening history and the playlist and found him and was listening to it like trying to let that energy, that vibration, that bravado of his voice bring me back to that state of turn on.

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It weren't, and it wasn't actually until a couple of days later, maybe today, when I remembered what actually is what gets me into a state of being turned on, or to be accessible to being turned on, and that is already being relaxed. So yoga nidra is my uh, what did I call it? My pre practice. I was going to say pre-game, but I'm not a sporty person. So yoga nidra, so I can be relaxed and receptive already to the touch and the sensation and being more in my body, more present in my sensations. So gonna remember. If I need that, find myself a little yoga nidra on YouTube.

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There is one woman I like to follow a lot. Maybe I'll link her in the info under this episode, which reminds me yeah, that's what I was gonna say. So the needing to be relaxed, to be accessible to pleasure, reminds me of a friend telling me she was in a class with a sexuality teacher and that woman said that women need 40 or 45 minutes of foreplay to be ready for penetration. That's women in general and that's sex in general. Right, if you're at the beginning of a relationship or your partners just come home for a long trip or something like that, obviously you're gonna be more game for a quickie, but in general it takes a lot of time for a woman's body to open to penetration, to sex. And I just want to say let's all remember to be gentle with ourselves.

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If this is what you're finding, if you maybe are in your relationship and you're like thinking that you should be turned on as fast as your guys turned on, or you should be ready all the time, or something of that nature, remember it is your nature to be slow. And why are we slow? We are building up to multiple orgasms. We're building up to the place where we can have sex for hours. We can have orgasm after orgasm, and anthropology will tell us that is because we, for the greatest chance of procreation, that we can go have sex with a bunch of different people in the tribe, more likely to create a pregnancy, and since pleasure is important in that conception process, then you're gonna have orgasms with all these different people. I am not advocating how many partners you have one way or the other, it's just what's coming into my head right now.

Speaker 1:

And oh, one more thing before I go the information that was coming through in my practices this week, in my fucking money practice is money. Is telling me that how I'm going to make more money right now? Because that has been the question and the answer seems to very clearly be workshops, leading workshops, which I was doing previously and have so much resistance to and also so enjoy doing, and so I'm really just saying it so that I will be held accountable to renting places and holding workshops. And, of course, I would love to see you in person at one if you're in Austin, texas, and if you're not, more than likely I'll be doing some online, some couples workshops and women's sexuality workshops and manifestation workshops, because because, like I have said, the power of creation is so much greater in a group. Yeah, I said it again. I am sending you so much love and I look forward to connecting with you next time.

Speaker 1:

Thanks for listening to this episode of the good, the bad and the sexy. I hope that it served you in some way and, if it did, please reach out to me on Instagram at the good, the bad and the sexy, and tell me about it. Also, is there someone in your life who needs to get in on this conversation? I would love it if you would share the show with them. It's so much more fun to talk through these things together. Remember to get your free follow along. Orgasmic alchemy self pleasure audio guide in the show notes below. I look forward to connecting with you again next time. Ciao for now, you, you.