The Good, The Bad, And The Sexy
Hi! I'm Elizabeth Angelica and this is where I’m going to be spilling all my tea about the intimate aspects of my journey of healing love addiction, codependency and scarcity. And how I’m manifesting new romantic partnership, and creating sovereign abundance in my purpose and passion.
All through the wild and wonderful lens of conscious transformation, energy medicine, non dual spiritual magick. And... my orgasmic alchemy practices.
The show is full of connection, teachings and transmissions so that we can evolve together.
I would love to have you join me on this orgasmic alchemical journey!
You can get your free guide, an Orgasmic Alchemy Self Pleasure follow along audio >>> https://www.ElizabethAngelica.com/28doa
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The Good, The Bad, And The Sexy
Financial Fears to Sovereign Abundance: Transformative Journeys of Healing and Empowerment
Ever wondered how childhood memories silently script your financial fears? Join me, Elizabeth Angelica, as I unearth how the echoes of my parents' heated arguments have shaped my fears around money. It's a journey through the landscapes of love addiction, codependency, and scarcity, all while embracing new romantic possibilities and cultivating sovereign abundance. Guided by the wise insights of NLP teacher Michelle Masters, I faced these shadows head-on, revealing how our subconscious acts like an algorithm, curating our life's experiences and limiting our potential.
This episode of "The Good, the Bad, and the Sexy" invites you to explore the power of conscious transformation and energy medicine. By confronting and archiving past traumas, we open the doors to a future rich in possibilities and abundance. Whether you're navigating your own path to healing or seeking inspiration for a brighter, more abundant future, this episode promises an intimate and transformative listening experience. Let’s challenge the belief that money destroys families and start reshaping our reality, one empowering thought at a time.
• Reflecting on childhood memories and their impact on financial beliefs
• Documenting emotions tied to money and their origins
• Emphasizing choice in rewriting one’s mental algorithms
• Exploring the fear of success and belonging within family contexts
• Envisioning a collaborative future and shared healing experiences
Get your FREE Orgasmic Alchemy Audio Guide: http://www.elizabethangelica.com/28doa
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Hi, this is Elizabeth Angelica, and you're listening to the good, the bad and the sexy, where I'm going to be spilling all the intimate aspects on my journey of healing love, addiction, codependency and scarcity, and how I'm manifesting new romantic partnership and creating sovereign abundance. All this through the wild and wonderful lens of conscious transformation, energy medicine. Through the wild and wonderful lens of conscious transformation, energy medicine, non-dual spiritual magic and my orgasmic alchemy practices. Alright, here we go. Hello, dear, back again. So I'm driving in my car the other day and I hear plot twist and I thought, fuck, yeah, let's have a plot twist. That sounds amazing, and what I think that it is is that all of me to create what it is that I desire, and so I'm in this class, this NLP class, and I am. I am so proud of myself that I have raised my hand and asked for support so many times in this class.
Speaker 1:When I took this class a few years ago, I I raised my hand one time and I didn't have my I don't know, I didn't have my question formulated correctly or something, and so I felt like I was. That are quite emotionally intimate. And this week I raised my hand again because I'm in this other money group. They're both money classes. I'm I'm gonna sort this shit out. And so in this, this 21 day class, we were given a sheet to account for our money the money in and the money out and when I felt into doing that, I was so overcome with the sensation that if I did that, if I took account of the money leaving my bank account, the money I was spending I would die, and that if I started to take account of my money out, suddenly it would all be gone and I wouldn't have enough money to cover my expenses and I would die. I would be doubly dead. And so I thought that was all coming from like shame of money that I had spent in my life. So I asked the teacher is there something that I can do specifically to support me in releasing this shame, because I feel like I've been trying to let it go for a while.
Speaker 1:She ended up doing a healing process with me, and what I saw when we went into it was me being three years old watching my parents scream at each other again. When I saw that it was that again, that I had already worked through the week or two before, I was a little disappointed. I was just like, oh, oh, it's them fighting again. You know, I had hoped, in front of this group of people, that it would be something more entertaining or exotic or novel, but it was just the same old stuff.
Speaker 1:So, because it was that, the teacher asked how many of these experiences of your parents fighting are you holding in this space, in your energy field and your subconscious right? I think I talked about previously how we're like this part of our brain is. We're projecting our future out into our auric field, and that, where I was holding all of these memories of my parents fighting, is where I'm actually supposed to be holding what I'm creating and what is my future. So the teacher, michelle Masters, asked me how many of these experiences am I holding in this place? And after having processed the one previously, it was 102 left 102 experiences of being completely terrified because my parents are screaming at one another. And the belief system that came from those experiences my three-year-old mind trying to make sense of what's happening was that money destroys families, which I believe is probably a really common belief. I'm sure I am not in the minority of having seen your parents fight about money, as most of our fights are. You know that's in like the top two or three things that couples fight about.
Speaker 1:So I feel now, having processed that a bit and taken those memories and move them into the archives, where they belong, so they're not in my future anymore, I feel like it's been so much easier to think happy things, like she was saying in that, in that process, that our brains are like working on an algorithm like Instagram is, if you see something, if you watch it for a couple of seconds, the algorithm is like oh, they like this, let's keep showing them more of that, even if you were like, oh my God, this is horrifying and that's why you didn't swipe away from it. And then the more you see it, the more you see it, and it just keeps building up. So she was like you get to choose what you see, you make a different algorithm. And so it really felt like at least it was easier for me to notice when I was thinking something that would be harmful to my well-being, harmful to my capacity to create what I desire, and replace it with something enjoyable and more, more enjoyable to think about it and, I think, able to hold that vision for a longer amount of time. And I'm having this, I'm having this feeling that I definitely wasn't having before.
Speaker 1:I feel like I've previously been in more of a victim was that I don't get to have what I want. I don't get to have what I want, I don't get to choose, I don't have the sovereignty to decide what it is that I want in my life. And now I feel that I feel like I actually believe, now that I do get to create what I desire, which you know life. Our souls have plans for us and I think those plans, we know what we're meant to do by what feels good. Right, our bodies are the interpreters of our souls. Our bodies have the guidance and the information and the access to communication with our souls and with the divine that we know what to do because that's what feels good, because that's what we're drawn to and, as it turns out, even though I have I think it's been a couple of times I have decided that I'm not going proceed with this business in sex, love and relationships and spiritual healing.
Speaker 1:But no matter what else I decide to do, it keeps coming back to this. I am, I'm still the same person. I still have the same interests. One might call them Obsessions, but I think it is the divine guidance of my soul. I am interested in relationships and sexuality and evolution and spiritual healing, and so the intuition of my being, the wisdom of my body, is saying teach the workshops, start down this road again. And part of me is fucking terrified because, you know, I have said in the past like how many times am I going to let this business break my heart? But I, with this shift, I'm feeling like I get to create what I want I get. That's how life works right. You vision it and you intend it and you hold the feeling of having that and then one way or another it comes about.
Speaker 1:I have had a teacher say your soul path is going to Happen no matter what you do. This is what's meant to be. Could you completely fail your life? Maybe I got. I hope not, but she would say that on the path to this divine timing was the words they use in Theta Healing that you can have an enjoyable, graceful time getting there or you can struggle against it and be miserable. For me, feeling that I do get to create what I want I think will allow the path to be more graceful and enjoyable and any other thing that I Was meant to do or could do, or should do, or would do, or whatever career and relationship. And so it's not that I'm ever missing out on any experience, but in this I present reality where I am trying to be more and more and more present, because that's where the safety is, that's where everything is fine, everything's working out okay right in this moment. As long as I'm not, you know, obsessing about what I don't have in the future or obsessing about the traumas and the dramas of the past, then I have the choice to create this version of reality in this version of reality. Might not be the best way to say that, but there we are. It might not be the best way to say that, but there we are.
Speaker 1:So I was in a breath work and I asked myself what is the worst thing that could happen if I start teaching these workshops? Because, as good as it feels when I think about it, as right as it feels, there is something that is stopping me from actually renting a place and putting out the invitations. And I heard, I heard that the worst thing that could happen if I do this is that I will be stoned like stoned to death. So I think there's there's something there I need to sit with. Maybe that is a ancestrally inherited memory or a past life, or I don't know what at this point, but whatever is keeping us from creating. What we desire is is it safe to do it? And if I do it, will I still belong with my tribe, with my family, and if you become more successful than your family, then you don't belong with them, and then you're alone and then you're unsafe. One could say it's all safety, but what is the? I think that is the thing that's making me feel that it's not safe. So we'll, I'll, I'll be coming back to this. I'll let you know whose memory this is and what I have done with it.
Speaker 1:And then I was at a dance. I go to a static dance once or twice a week. I go to a static dance once or twice a week. And I had just gotten there and like just really dropped into the movement and I had this vision of myself in this beautiful, very large hotel suite, like large enough that there was a big sitting room in the middle and it was all like soft, pink velvet cushions and carved oak furniture. And I saw myself in front of this practice of some sort and I knew that my beloved was with their partners, was with their husbands and boyfriends in either another room or another part of the hotel or the property, and he was leading them in some sort of healing workshop experience, and that we were going to come together and work with these couples together, facilitate this like weekend retreat thing. And I was just like, oh yeah, of course, that feels so right, it was a vision of the future and it was a hold this vision so that you can manifest this. And it felt amazing.
Speaker 1:I was like, yes, this is why I am being told that I'm going to meet my person on this other podcast that I I'm going to start any day now, apparently as soon as I feel like it's safe where I'm interviewing experts in the field of healing and relationships, and why I don't feel drawn to do the internet dating again. Oh, my God, that's so exhausting. I feel like I'm right, knowing that that's what I'm creating, that's what I'm intending, that's what I'm asking for. Is this romantic partner that will be my business partner in this way, in this like we're doing the podcast together, we're holding retreats and workshops and doing this sex-loving relationship, healing work together for ourselves and and facilitating it for others. And there was a moment there was, there was a couple of weeks where I was starting a podcast where I was dating on the show.
Speaker 1:So it was like I'm interviewing you to be my romantic partner and my podcast host and my shaman said to me that trying to find a partner like that was saying that I would only date dentists or what have you, that it was so limiting to what the universe might want to bring me. I feel like I've always had a little bit more of like I get to have what I want hyper focus, maybe control, freak stuff. I'm unwilling to have the delights of the universe unless they are exactly what I want, my always telling God exactly this is how it has to be, which is, you know, not proven to be comfortable either. But then there's the non dual perspective that I am God, I am the sovereign creator of my life, so don't I get to say I think I do. Now the universe has obviously a greater the I am presence of me has a greater perspective and view on my life and how things might come in.
Speaker 1:But she was saying maybe he'd be okay with having a podcast in a couple of years, but doesn't want to right now doesn't want to date on the show or all these different scenarios that might be possible. That wouldn't allow me to have the best thing for me. If I'm like I'm only willing to find this specific outcome, this specific way, and I say that and I'm like, oh, I'm also just a little bit doing that with the idea that I'm going to meet him on this other podcast, but I did have like four people say that to me, so it seems like the odds are good and I don't go to that many places, so that is a good way for me to meet people. I'm not totally sure how to even meet those people, but that's okay, I'm going to figure this out and you are too. All right, that's what I got for now. I will see you next time.
Speaker 1:Thanks for listening to this episode of the good, the bad and the sexy. I hope that it served you in some way and, if it did, please reach out to me on instagram at the good, the bad and the sexy and tell me about it. Also, is there someone in your life who needs to get in on this conversation? I would love it if you would share the show with them. It's so much more fun to talk through these things together. Remember to get your free follow along orgasmic alchemy self-pleasure audio guide in the show notes below. I look forward to connecting with you again next time. Ciao for now.